Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Marathon

Wow, it's already well into October, and I have barely been preparing for NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo, what? Is that some kind of weird computer program? No, dearest non-writers. It is National Novel Writing month. And as far as the rules go, it is a marathon.

NaNoWriMo is almost pointless, in retrospect of my decision to absolutely yank myself through it. In one month, aspiring writers write a full novel: 50,000 words. The month of November is only 30 days long (glad they didn't do it in February), so around 1,700 words a day are required to just meet the deadline. Really, to some, that's no challenge. However, my longest story is roughly 9,000 words total. And it's wordy and ramble-some and full of unedited prattle.

Why is that useless? The point of NaNoWriMo is the rigor of novelization. It's about the length; quantity is valued over quality.

I've never tried it because I never have comprehensive enough ideas to make into more than a short story, and never enough time or desire to attempt. This year, I have the least time of all. But if I keep putting it off, then it's never ever going to happen, right?

To my few readers: the one with the initials M.C. should totally try it too. Actually, that's two of you, isn't it?

Yep. Really excited to total fail at this.

Side Note: PSATs and SATs are coming up! I took the pre-ACT (the PLAN, harharhar) two weeks ago, as required by my school and probably the whole county. Also required, the PSAT is this week. As for the SAT, I take mine on November 3rd, the 3rd day of the marathon. I'm trying to get accepted into NCSSM, a public boarding school here in the Triangle. It's extremely selective, which means I've got to get my act together! Give me a hug, SAT vocab list!!

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